The Follimaxpro™ Hair restoration System is scientifically formulated and made with clinically proven all natural ingredients. Follimaxpro™ cleans, unclogs, conditions, volumizes and helps to create a welcoming environment for hair regrowth!
Female Hair Loss is mistakenly thought to be a strictly male disease; women actually make up forty percent of American hair loss sufferers. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it's a growing problem, affecting some 30 million women in the United States -- with some forms of loss occurring at earlier ages, and being seen in increasing numbers. Hair loss in women can be absolutely devastating for the sufferer's self image and emotional well being. Unfortunately, society has forced women to suffer in silence. It is considered far more acceptable for men to go through the same hair loss process. Even more unfortunately, some members of the medical community also treat the issue of women's hair loss as if it were nonexistent. Since hair loss doesn't appear to be life threatening, most physicians pay little attention to women's complaints about hair loss and essentially tell their patients that "it's no big deal” and that "you'll just have to live with it."
Hair can be considered a barometer of health because hair cells are some of the fastest growing in the body. When the body is in crisis, the hair cells can shut down to redirect energy elsewhere. The types of situations that can cause hair loss include but are not limited to hormonal changes, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, a variety of medications, surgery, many medical conditions, but noticeably, thyroid disease.
Many people notice rapid hair loss as a symptom of their hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Some people actually say this is the worst symptom of their thyroid problem -- this thinning hair, large amounts falling out in the shower or sink, often accompanied by changes in the hair's texture, making it dry, coarse, or easily tangled.
Increased DHT levels cause hair to fall out, but the shrunken hair follicles can prevent new hair from taking its place, something that certain hair loss treatments work to reverse. But other factors also contribute to hair loss:
* Stress
* Illness
* Hormonal issues
* Surgery
* Diet
* Medicine
* Poor hair care
Dr. Frieda Rosner of Boca Raton says, “I enthusiastically endorse Follimaxpro™. The product presentation and directions are clear, concise and easy to use. The product worked extremely well for my hair, which is color treated, relaxed and, at this stage in my life, thinning in certain sections. I could feel the difference during use and definitely as I allowed my hair to dry naturally without experiencing the out-of-control fizz. Also, I did not lose wads of hair, as I have with many other products in the past. Last but not least, I observed a clean and lustrous sheen I did not previously experience with previously used products”. Follomaxpro™ is hypoallergenic, non comedogenic, uses no parebens and works for all hair types. Unlike some of the other hair restoration products on the market, Follimaxpro™ does not smell medicinal. It was created with a pleasing orange blossom smell that isn't overly fragrant for men or women.
This complete easy-to-use, 3-step system includes:
* Intense Regenerating Shampoo with Revitalex-SS Complex
* Instant Volumizer with Revitalex-623 Complex
* Intense Revitalizing Serum with Revialex-9 Complex