Hair growth is an important subject for both men and women. Everyone is concerned about their hair. Men, for the most part, are mostly concerned with keeping their hair and not going bald. Baldness is something that happens to a lot of men and it can be on the minds of even younger men. Women don’t have the same problems or worries about hair but they do have concerns. Women, for instance, worry about how their hair looks. When women go into the pool, they have to be concerned about what the chlorine will do to their hair or the fact that they’ll have to shower after the pool. While both genders have concerns, it can help to have some facts and statistics about hair loss and growth. Here are some basic stats concerning hair.
Hair Loss
On average, we all lose around 70 to 100 hairs a day. That’s quite a bit when you really think about it. Fortunately, our bodies are built to withstand this kind of loss and we can replenish the hairs we do lose. That’s why we can maintain a healthy and full head of hair despite losing hairs throughout the day. When we lose more than 100 hairs a day, we lose more hair than we can replace and in general, begin to go bald.
Hair Growth
Our hair grows at a fast pace. However, the longer our hair becomes, the slower the hair grows. When hair reaches over three feet in length, the amount of growth or the pace of growth can be reduced by up to 50 percent. Interestingly, blondes enjoy more hair than others. Blondes actually can have significantly more hair than red heads.