The Follimaxpro™ Hair restoration System is scientifically formulated and made with clinically proven all natural ingredients. Follimaxpro™ cleans, unclogs, conditions, volumizes and helps to create a welcoming environment for hair regrowth!
Stress has been closely associated with temporary hair loss for a few years now. As more and more individuals report hair loss as a symptom while going through periods of high stress (such as divorce, lost jobs, deaths in the family, and even childbirth) more doctors are looking into the medical connection of these two conditions.
The word divorce has become synonymous with stress and may trigger an array of challenging emotions. There are reasons why so many people get married: Among other things, a good marriage can be a shelter from loneliness and fear. Many studies and surveys have found that satisfied couples tend to be healthier and happier than people going it alone. But marriages don't always run smoothly, and they don't always last. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about half of today's marriages are likely to end in divorce. Going through a divorce can be like stepping into a wind tunnel. It's also the kind of stress that can make a person sick.
It is rare to pick up a newspaper or read an online business article without some mention of today’s staggering unemployment numbers. Job loss or unemployment is, no doubt, a very stressful experience. When someone loses job or faces a longer period of employment, they feel hurt or even get angry. Passing through this difficult phase can be quite tough for people.
Although some people may notice hair loss during extreme periods of stress, it is more likely that the hair loss will first be noticed after the stressful period has pasted. This is due to the effects of stress on the hair growth pattern. When an individual experiences intense stress chemicals in the body will transmit signals to the hair follicles, which causes them to enter a resting phase. During this phase there is no new hair growth. During the next few months hair will be shed normally but new growth will not occur to take its place. This uneven pattern can cause hair to appear thinner and eventually result in hair loss. Once the stressful episode has ended the hair follicles will stay in this resting period for a period of time and new hair growth will not start for three to six months. This can lead to further stress in the individual as they notice more and more hair falling out and no new hair growing to take its place. If the stress from this condition is too intense the cycle can be prolonged and will result in further hair loss.
"One of the primary causes of hair loss is the hormone DHT, which is found in everyone. Too-high levels of DHT can be one of the most significant factors in hair loss," according to Dan Burda, a leading hair stylist in Pittsburgh. “DHT has been found to aid in the shrinking of hair follicles, which leads to a slow decline in the number of hairs that are visible on a person's scalp." Burda continues by saying, “I love FollimaxPro™ because it delivers superior results and the shampoo and conditioner smell and work exceptionally well. This complete system is a new benchmark for which every other Hair Restoration Systems will be measured.”
Increased DHT levels cause hair to fall out, but the shrunken hair follicles can prevent new hair from taking its place, something that certain hair loss treatments work to reverse. But other factors also contribute to hair loss:
* Stress
* Illness
* Hormonal issues
* Surgery
* Diet
* Medicine
* Poor hair care
Dr. Frieda Rosner of Boca Raton says, “I enthusiastically endorse Follimaxpro™. The product presentation and directions are clear, concise and easy to use. The product worked extremely well for my hair, which is color treated, relaxed and, at this stage in my life, thinning in certain sections. I could feel the difference during use and definitely as I allowed my hair to dry naturally without experiencing the out-of-control fizz. Also, I did not lose wads of hair, as I have with many other products in the past. Last but not least, I observed a clean and lustrous sheen I did not previously experience with previously used products”. Unlike some of the other hair restoration products on the market, Follimaxpro™ does not smell medicinal. It was created with a pleasing orange blossom smell that isn't overly fragrant for men or women.
This complete easy-to-use, 3-step system includes:
* Intense Regenerating Shampoo with Revitalex-SS Complex
* Instant Volumizer with Revitalex-623 Complex
* Intense Revitalizing Serum with Revialex-9 Complex
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Follimaxpro™ and Male Hair Pattern Thinning and Hair Loss
Follimaxpro™ and Male Hair Pattern Thinning and Hair Loss
The Follimaxpro™ Hair restoration System is scientifically formulated and made with clinically proven all natural ingredients. Follimaxpro™ cleans, unclogs, deeply conditions, volumizes and helps to create a welcoming environment for hair regrowth!
Male pattern baldness is a phrase that is used a lot, but beyond understanding that our fathers' or grandfather's hairlines looked eerily similar to our own at a certain age, most of us have little understanding of the how's and why's of male pattern hair loss. It is safe to say that male pattern baldness Androgenetic Alopecia has been around as long as men have.
When men lose their hair, they tend to lose it predictable ways, around the hairline and the crown of the head. This pattern of hair loss is referred to as male pattern baldness.
Causes of Male Pattern Hair Loss
• Genetics is heavily linked to male pattern baldness. Although Scientists still don't know the precise genetic mechanism that triggers male pattern baldness, there is evidence to support the likelihood of genes as the instigators. Studies in 2006 and 2007 have shown that a variant on the X chromosome (the female contribution in a male's XY combination) contributes to male pattern baldness. However other factors such as testosterone levels, and the father’s family history of hair loss, also contribute significantly to the condition.
• Aging is another factor that combines with genetics to trigger certain hormones, mainly DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) to overproduce. An overabundance of DHT causes hair to miniaturize, or getting thinner, weaker and grayer.
• Other issues like stress, diet and lack of sleep can impact hair loss.
• Some illnesses such as diabetes, lupus and heart disease can accelerate the natural process of losing one's hair as well.
The Life Cycle of Hair
To understand the process hair loss, it's important to understand how hair grows. Like any other cell in our bodies, hair follicles go through cycles. Hair grows (sometimes for up to six years), then stop growing. It rests for a few months as a new hair begins to grow in its place, when the old hair is shed. Finally, the whole cycle begins again. At any given time, we are naturally shedding hair at a rate of 100 hairs per day. We don't notice this unless we find an extraordinary amount circling the drain or on our pillows. When hair sheds, but fails to grow back, our hair thins. But male pattern baldness can take years to occur. This is because the DHT is slowly strangling your hair follicles at the root, depriving them of the oxygen and nutrients that healthy hair requires. Every time your hair grows back after a resting phase, it is thinner, less vigorous. And eventually, follicle-by-follicle, it stops growing back altogether.
Increased DHT levels cause hair to fall out, but the shrunken hair follicles can prevent new hair from taking its place, something that certain hair loss treatments work to reverse. But other factors also contribute to hair loss:
* Stress
* Illness
* Hormonal issues
* Surgery
* Diet
* Medicine
* Poor hair care
Dan Burda, a leading Hair Stylist in Pittsburgh says, "I love FollimaxPro™ because it delivers superior results and the shampoo and conditioner smell and work exceptionally well. This complete system is a new benchmark for which every other product will be measured.” Unlike some of the other hair restoration products on the market, Follimaxpro™ does not smell medicinal. It was created with a pleasing orange blossom smell that isn't overly fragrant for men or women.
This complete easy-to-use, 3-step system includes:
* Intense Regenerating Shampoo with Revitalex-SS Complex
* Instant Volumizer with Revitalex-623 Complex
* Intense Revitalizing Serum with Revialex-9 Complex
The Follimaxpro™ Hair restoration System is scientifically formulated and made with clinically proven all natural ingredients. Follimaxpro™ cleans, unclogs, deeply conditions, volumizes and helps to create a welcoming environment for hair regrowth!
Male pattern baldness is a phrase that is used a lot, but beyond understanding that our fathers' or grandfather's hairlines looked eerily similar to our own at a certain age, most of us have little understanding of the how's and why's of male pattern hair loss. It is safe to say that male pattern baldness Androgenetic Alopecia has been around as long as men have.
When men lose their hair, they tend to lose it predictable ways, around the hairline and the crown of the head. This pattern of hair loss is referred to as male pattern baldness.
Causes of Male Pattern Hair Loss
• Genetics is heavily linked to male pattern baldness. Although Scientists still don't know the precise genetic mechanism that triggers male pattern baldness, there is evidence to support the likelihood of genes as the instigators. Studies in 2006 and 2007 have shown that a variant on the X chromosome (the female contribution in a male's XY combination) contributes to male pattern baldness. However other factors such as testosterone levels, and the father’s family history of hair loss, also contribute significantly to the condition.
• Aging is another factor that combines with genetics to trigger certain hormones, mainly DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) to overproduce. An overabundance of DHT causes hair to miniaturize, or getting thinner, weaker and grayer.
• Other issues like stress, diet and lack of sleep can impact hair loss.
• Some illnesses such as diabetes, lupus and heart disease can accelerate the natural process of losing one's hair as well.
The Life Cycle of Hair
To understand the process hair loss, it's important to understand how hair grows. Like any other cell in our bodies, hair follicles go through cycles. Hair grows (sometimes for up to six years), then stop growing. It rests for a few months as a new hair begins to grow in its place, when the old hair is shed. Finally, the whole cycle begins again. At any given time, we are naturally shedding hair at a rate of 100 hairs per day. We don't notice this unless we find an extraordinary amount circling the drain or on our pillows. When hair sheds, but fails to grow back, our hair thins. But male pattern baldness can take years to occur. This is because the DHT is slowly strangling your hair follicles at the root, depriving them of the oxygen and nutrients that healthy hair requires. Every time your hair grows back after a resting phase, it is thinner, less vigorous. And eventually, follicle-by-follicle, it stops growing back altogether.
Increased DHT levels cause hair to fall out, but the shrunken hair follicles can prevent new hair from taking its place, something that certain hair loss treatments work to reverse. But other factors also contribute to hair loss:
* Stress
* Illness
* Hormonal issues
* Surgery
* Diet
* Medicine
* Poor hair care
Dan Burda, a leading Hair Stylist in Pittsburgh says, "I love FollimaxPro™ because it delivers superior results and the shampoo and conditioner smell and work exceptionally well. This complete system is a new benchmark for which every other product will be measured.” Unlike some of the other hair restoration products on the market, Follimaxpro™ does not smell medicinal. It was created with a pleasing orange blossom smell that isn't overly fragrant for men or women.
This complete easy-to-use, 3-step system includes:
* Intense Regenerating Shampoo with Revitalex-SS Complex
* Instant Volumizer with Revitalex-623 Complex
* Intense Revitalizing Serum with Revialex-9 Complex
Natural Methods for Promoting Hair Growth
Our hair is the one of the most important parts of our appearance. It is hard not to notice someone’s hair. When you really think about it, hair is one of the defining characteristics of people. When you describe how someone looks, you most likely choose to describe that person’s hair color and style. Hair is a major part of who we are and keeping our hair healthy and strong is important to maintaining a stunning appearance. Keeping our hair growing healthy and strong is vital to keeping good hair. Here are three simple, natural ways to promote hair growth.
Healthy Diet
Believe it or not, your diet can affect how your hair grows. Just as you can imagine how fatty and unhealthy foods can damage your body, they can also damage your hair. Protein is one of the essential nutrients your hair needs to grow healthy and strong. Eating a hardboiled egg daily can help hair grow and give your hair the nutrients it desperately needs.
Good Products
The products you use in your hair can also have an effect on your hair’s growth. You should only use combs, brushes, strainers, and blow dryers that are of good quality and will help improve your hair and not damage it. It will be worth the extra money you might have to spend to get good products to keep your hair healthy and to prevent damage.
Reduce Damage
Reducing damage is the third natural way to help your hair grow. Constantly dying your hair or putting products that contain large amounts of chemicals can have an adverse effect on hair growth and prevent your hair from being as healthy and as beautiful as you want.
Following these three simple steps will do wonders for anyone who wants better, healthier hair.
Healthy Diet
Believe it or not, your diet can affect how your hair grows. Just as you can imagine how fatty and unhealthy foods can damage your body, they can also damage your hair. Protein is one of the essential nutrients your hair needs to grow healthy and strong. Eating a hardboiled egg daily can help hair grow and give your hair the nutrients it desperately needs.
Good Products
The products you use in your hair can also have an effect on your hair’s growth. You should only use combs, brushes, strainers, and blow dryers that are of good quality and will help improve your hair and not damage it. It will be worth the extra money you might have to spend to get good products to keep your hair healthy and to prevent damage.
Reduce Damage
Reducing damage is the third natural way to help your hair grow. Constantly dying your hair or putting products that contain large amounts of chemicals can have an adverse effect on hair growth and prevent your hair from being as healthy and as beautiful as you want.
Following these three simple steps will do wonders for anyone who wants better, healthier hair.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Your Hair Is the Key to Beauty
We all have something about ourselves that we don’t necessarily like. And I am sure that if we all had the opportunity, we would be willing to change something about ourselves. However, this is not exactly easy or reasonable to do. Many things are not easy to change. Our hair, however, is something that we can easily change. In fact, in many ways, our hair can be the key to our beauty. We can do a lot simple things to our hair to make ourselves look more beautiful and feel more confident. There are three main things we can work on to improve our hair and our look.
We can also change the style of our hair to make us look trendier, more fashionable, or just more sophisticated. Going to a stylist can be one of the simplest ways to change our hair and to have us looking more beautiful.
We can first improve the luster and shine of our hair. Our hair needs essential vitamins in order to grow and shine as it is supposed to. In a world that is full of pollution and things that can potentially damage our hair, it can be difficult to maintain the luster and shine that we all desire. However, it can be done. Eating healthy foods—vegetables like carrots—can help provide our hair with the nutrients we need to have lustrous and healthy hair.
One of the other easy things we can do to our hair to make ourselves look even more beautiful is to dye our hair. Dye can be an extremely easy way to change our hair and change our look. Dye can give us a change from the normal or completely transform how we look and feel. Finding the right kind of dye can be the only difficult thing.
We can also change the style of our hair to make us look trendier, more fashionable, or just more sophisticated. Going to a stylist can be one of the simplest ways to change our hair and to have us looking more beautiful.
The Road To Lustrous and Healthy Hair
Everyone wants to have beautiful hair that is full of shine and luster. People go to great lengths to keep their hair looking and feeling great. After all, hair is one of the first things that we notice in others. Hair is an identifying feature and anything we can do to keep our hair looking its best we will most likely do. The greatest difficulty we have is figuring out what to do to keep our hair looking good. Here’s the road to lustrous healthy hair.
Our hair needs vitamins to stay healthy and strong. A hair that lacks essential vitamins will often lack the luster that we are looking for. B vitamins as well as vitamin A and vitamin C are essential for the hair to grow and be healthy. Without these essential vitamins, it can be difficult for hair to grow properly. Getting essential vitamins allows your hair to be healthy and strong and allows the luster and shine to show through.
There are a variety of ways for you to get the essential vitamins that your hair needs to grow properly. One of the easiest ways to get you on the road to healthy, lustrous hair is to eat foods that are enriched with these types of vitamins. Eating foods like carrots and spinach will help your hair become healthy. You can also eat other foods that will help nourish your hair. Foods like salmon and almonds are also rich in nutrients like these vegetables and can provide the same benefit to your hair.
Yogurt is one of the more rare things you can eat that will provide you with nutrients that will give your hair the luster you desire. Yogurt has certain nutrients like calcium, B vitamins, proteins and a number of other things that will help your hair fight against damage and gain its luster and shine.
Our hair needs vitamins to stay healthy and strong. A hair that lacks essential vitamins will often lack the luster that we are looking for. B vitamins as well as vitamin A and vitamin C are essential for the hair to grow and be healthy. Without these essential vitamins, it can be difficult for hair to grow properly. Getting essential vitamins allows your hair to be healthy and strong and allows the luster and shine to show through.
There are a variety of ways for you to get the essential vitamins that your hair needs to grow properly. One of the easiest ways to get you on the road to healthy, lustrous hair is to eat foods that are enriched with these types of vitamins. Eating foods like carrots and spinach will help your hair become healthy. You can also eat other foods that will help nourish your hair. Foods like salmon and almonds are also rich in nutrients like these vegetables and can provide the same benefit to your hair.
Yogurt is one of the more rare things you can eat that will provide you with nutrients that will give your hair the luster you desire. Yogurt has certain nutrients like calcium, B vitamins, proteins and a number of other things that will help your hair fight against damage and gain its luster and shine.
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